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Hyperpigmentation: What is it? - Skincare

Hyperpigmentation: What is it?

The term hyper stands to express anything that is excessive and what follows with hyperpigmentation is only too obvious. Yes, hyperpigmentation of skin is definitely due to excessive concentration of the pigment melanin in epidermis. Whether hyperpigmentation has any connections with aging/age spots or diseases can be understood when we get to understand hyperpigmentation more closely, however it can be carcinogenic but only rarely.

How is hyperpigmentation caused? Hyperpigmentation is obviously the result of exposure to sunlight (UV-B rays), acne and injuries to skin and even inflammation. So, regardless of the reason, too much of melanin deposits are called hyperpigmentation of skin. Apparently, hyperpigmentation is not related to aging, even though they look like age spots, as they can be caused at any age. And it is a common occurrence in people of African and Asian origin.

Treatment for hyperpigmentation includes methods that are also used as treatment for age spots, as long as they are not due to specific conditions like pregnancy, hormonal and insulin variation. For example, hyperpigmentation such as chloasma or linea nigra, both of which occur during pregnancy, cannot be treated with whitening or peeling creams that are normally used for age spots; so also, hyperpigmentation in intertriginous area which is due to insulin disorders. In a way, it is safer to assume that treating the cause rather than the symptom should serve better in these cases.

The normal incidences of hyperpigmentation are generally advised to be taken care off with cosmetic or whitening creams that contain either or all of hydroquinone, alpha and beta hydroxy acids. However, when you feel you need to have prescription medicine, check whether there is really a case to visit the doctor. Unless there are significantly darkening spots/patches or lightening of surrounding areas or more significantly, lesions and irritations, and change of shape, it isn’t necessary.

Prescription medicines include preparations from Retin A in varying concentrations, however, if you are toying with laser removal of hyperpigmentation or going for that painful skin dermabrassion, I would advise you to see your doctor before hand.

There are a few questions you can ask yourself in order to evaluate whether it is really hyperpigmentation. Recall whether the discoloration appeared suddenly and how; is it spreading or deepening; did you notice considerable changes in your diet or sun exposure preceding its appearance? They can also be genetic and may be running in the family, a point you need to examine.

If it’s not yielding to OTC products, choice of treatment for hyperpigmentation must be made by doctors alone and not you.