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How Does a Skin Whitening Cream Work? - Skincare

How Does a Skin Whitening Cream Work?

How does a skin whitening cream work? Of course not all of them are made the same but considering the desired end result, they must work the same fashion, right? Unfortunately not because, as with the creams, not all skin types are made same and you have to choose your skin whitening cream appropriately. When you are buying one, don’t forget to critically examine whether a cream is said to potentially cause cancer/carcinoma in the long term, years after you discontinued using it. However, the very first question you need to be asking yourself is whether you really want to whiten your skin.

How Does a Skin Whitening Cream Work On You

Simply put, a skin whitening cream works by reducing the melanin concentration on the surface (epidermis.) But when you probe a little deeper, you will see that there are a few different categories of whitening creams and each of them is designed to work differently.

The pretty simple and over-the-counter type of skin whitening creams work and accomplishes the job by bleaching the skin tone as long as you keep applying them. You will have to make the skin smooth so that whitening creams can work. Nonprescription creams like Amlactin are helpful in reducing roughness. However, the bleaching type of skin whitening creams can be at best called as fading creams that largely disappoint, plainly because they work superficially on the outermost layer without actually treating the cause.

There is another type of skin whitening cream that works by attempting to re-metabolize the cells (melanocytes) the produce melanin. These creams provide better results for skin due to their pathological style of working which reduces the productivity of melanocytes and there by controlling the melanin aggregation that collect on the surface. Melanin production is heightened when the cells fall deficient of vitamin A and D under the influence of sun exposure or some other reason. Certain incipients (drugs) like hydroquinone, hydroxyl acids or Vitamins like Retino A are effective in supplementing the deficiency and thus be able to control melanin growth metabolically.

So, which one do I recommend for skin whitening? None; and it’s your dermatologist’s job to check the suitability of any skin whitening cream. We already know that certain types of skin creams contain mercury while others are carcinogenic (cancer causing) and so can be actually dangerous unless used under the watchful eyes of an expert.